Rafael J. Sciullo assumed his role as Chief Executive Officer of Empath Health in early 2021 with the finalization of the merger of Empath Health and Stratum Health System. In the time since he became the organization's leader, he expanded its home health program, overseen the expansion of its HIV /STI and senior care services and developed new partnerships with other healthcare and community organizations. Sciullo blends his propensity for attention to detail and fiscal soundness with heartfelt empathy and concern for patients and families. "There is no more important job humans can do for one another than caring for patients at the end of life," he says. He believes in staying close to patients and families to know firsthand what's important to them and understand their needs. He stresses the significance of focus on patients and families with his leadership team and staff. His leadership style may be defined as open and transparent. As a past chairperson and current board member of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and a recipient of NHPCO's Founder Award, Sciullo is recognized nationally as a trendsetter in his field. He is a member of Hospice Executive Round Table, a group of hospice leaders who engage in ideas exchange and study ways to advance and enhance hospice care in the United States. Sciullo holds three master's degrees and was educated at Duns Scotus College, Southfield, Mich, University of San Diego and University of Connecticut.
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